2020 | A Year in Review

Reflecting on 2020

What a crazy year! 2020 was a year of big life changes and also some big life challenges. I’m sure we all are reflecting on the ways our lives were changed unexpectidly with Covid, but I hope that there are also some happy memories in there as well to reflect on.



This past year started with a bang with our wedding, which happened the last day of February, right as Covid was hitting China. We were able to get my husband’s mother from China to the US as lockdowns started happening there. Our other guests, except for my immediate family, all came from out of town. So we were super thankful that the timing of our wedding allowed us to even have it and celebrate with our loved ones.

It was a low-key micro wedding that suited us perfectly, but not without a few funny hiccups, like me forgetting my bouquet and our cake topper I had custom made. We’ve yet to go on a honeymoon, but with everything going on it is a non-issue. We are just happy we could start our married life together.

Wedding 2020
Rebecca Shehorn Photography | www.rebeccashehorn.com

A few months after our wedding we relocated to a neighboring city for my husband’s job. It was a stressful time getting our home ready to sell amid Covid, then struggling to find a new home in a new city. We ended up in an Airbnb for the first few months. This was not an ideal situation during the pandemic, having different people we didn’t know coming and going in the rental underneath us. But we finally found a comfortable home to rent. And while its not a space or location we want to be long-term, it is working for the time being.

We’ve been struggling to settle into our new surroundings without being able to really get to know our new city because of the pandemic, let alone make any friends. Thankfully we have yet to tire of each other! My husband’s transition has been made especially hard with Covid at his new job. Though his work in the hospital is not directly taking care of Covid patients, his patients are still very sick. We try and do our best to explore in ways that are safe, like hiking and in warmer weather going to the beach or kayaking. Now that’s it winter we have had to be more creative in finding things to do.



It has been really fun introducing my husband to American traditions, along with starting some of our own as a new family. We had our first haunted hayride and pumpkin carving for Halloween. I made him his first s’more, over the stove, and he discovered why they are so popular.

We also started a few new traditions for Christmas. My husband was happy to go along with my plan of matching pajamas, which also included a matching pair for our dog Oliver. We decorated cookies, watched classic American Christmas movies, had Christmas breakfast and a lovely dinner with just the two of us. These are some of the traditions I wish I had grown up with as a child, and its so nice to make up our own as our own little family.

My husband and I are both used to not seeing family for long periods of time. This has made it easier acclimating to rarely seeing anyone during the Pandemic, though it was still disappointing to have to cancel our Christmas plans with my family and not be able to visit my husband’s father in Toronto. I am thankful that all of my family members have remained healthy during this trying time.



Professionally have been blessed that the pandemic allowed me to keep my job after our move. I was also able to transition to part-time with my job, allowing me more time to blog. I am loving working from home, especially during this pandemic. I feel like I have so much more freedom. Previously I have worked both in retail and restaurants, so I can imagine how difficult this time has been for those who work in the service industry. I am thankful everyday that I was not still in NYC working a restaurant job when Covid hit.

Fall Outfit

I love the creative space blogging creates for me. I’m looking forward to growing my blog and dipping my toes into Youtube. But most of all I’m excited at the idea of being part of the blogging community and connecting with people. Especially since its so easy to feel disconnected from people at this time.


At the beginning of 2020 my husband thought it was going to be an epic year…well he was right in some regards. It proved to be a challenging year with frustration, a lot of doubt, isolation and sadness. But there have been also been many moments of happiness.

My husband and I have learned how to be a solid team. This past year’s challenges have shown we are stronger together. During this chaotic time I am thankful everyday for the peace in our home.

I remind myself daily to thrive, not just survive and continue to look at the positives instead of the negatives. This can be a challenge, but I continue to look forward at my personal and professional goals to keep my eye on the prize.

Even though I know 2021 will continue to be a challenging year, I am hopeful and looking forward to growing this blog and an online community. Here’s wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year!
